The Kings College of Excellence exists to equip believers to fulfil the Great Commission given to the Church by our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). In pursuit of this mandate, we aim to train and enable individuals to engage in ministries which are bible-based and relevant to the needs of the 21st century. We are focused on empowering disciples and helping them to discover, develop and use their God-given gifts and abilities.
Our starting point is a recognition of the importance of preparation in the pursuit of a successful ministry. However, the context of Christian Ministry has shifted significantly during the past decades. In previous years, preparation for ministry often required attendance at a full-time Bible college, which often meant separation from the normal world of work, family and the local church.
While this approach undoubtedly played a significant role in producing able Christian workers, they were often detached from the immediate context of ministry.
Kings College of Excellence recognises that Christian Ministers of the 21st century are those who are currently placed in a variety of secular occupations. Their strategic placement gives them an ideal opportunity to influence their peers with the biblical principles of living and succeeding in life.
Therefore, our students will be challenged to transfer the theory of the classroom into real life situations on a daily basis: whether at church or in the work place.
Our approach will be intensely practical and will ideally be aimed at individuals who are currently involved in some form of Christian ministry in preparation for a specific ministry, or those aiming to be more effective in their daily lives. Essentially, The Kings College of Excellence will function as a training and equipping centre for ministry beyond the local church.
Our aim is not to confer ministry but to recognise God-ordained ministries and create the environment where these can be harnessed for greater effectiveness.